Setting up alerts on the Dashboard



Alerts for leak detected and leak resolved will be pre-configured under the building manager’s account by GPS before the account is handed over. Leak notifications will be sent once every 24 hours for every “leak detected” message until it has been followed with a “No leak” message.

Alerts for other cases such as offline/online, tamper, and temperature can be set by the Customer as desired. 


To see the alerts set up for each Leak Detector, go to its property/location of install, and  then click on “Menu”>” Alerts”



You will be able to see the existing alert type for all Leak Detectors at that property. You can turn on/off the alert or edit the alert for each Leak Detector. All other reports can be set by the customer as desired.



To create a new alert for a device, click on “Create Alert”.


Fill out fields “Device”, “Alert Type”, “Alert Name”, and add Conditions and Rules when necessary.  “Add Recipient” to notify a contact when the alert is triggered. To apply the same notification settings to other devices at that property, use the drop-down list at the bottom of the page next to “Choose Devices”. Finally, click on “Save Alert” when done.



Linked YouTube videos:
GPS Tutorial: Setting Up Alerts (Desktop)
GPS Tutorial: Setting Up Alerts (Mobile)

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